
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

AMT Backup American .45 ACP Double Action

AMT Backup American .45 ACP Double Action Only Autoloader Pistol. The AMT Backup is a compact holdout pistol f rom AM T. A s its name implies, it is meant to be a secondary weapon designed for use as a last resort. Its small size and smooth surfaces, free of corners or protrusions, make it easy to carry in a concealed holster or even just stashed in a boot or pocket. It uses a conventional delayed blowback action. It can be brought into action very quickly because there is no safety catch for the shooter to fumble with in an emergency. Instead, it uses a double-action-only mechanism to prevent accidental fi ring. There are also no sights, since these could snag when the weapon is drawn, and they are considered unnecessary for the point-blank shooting for which the Backup is designed.

Variants: The Backup pistol is available in a variety of common pistol calibers up to .45 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol), to suit an individual’s preferences.

Who Uses It: The Backup is very popular with civilians in the U.S. in states that permit concealed carry and has sold in large numbers as a self-defense weapon. It is also widely used by police offi cers,
particularly as a holdout pistol or for undercover use.

d20 Modern Rules: The 9mm and .45 caliber versions of this weapon each grant a +2 circumstance bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal the weapon.

AMT Backup (.38S Autoloader)
Damage: 2d6
Critical: 20
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 20 ft.
Rate of Fire: S

Magazine: 5 box
Size: Tiny
Weight: 1 lb.
Purchase DC: 15
Restriction: Lic (+1)

AMT Backup (9mm Autoloader)
Damage: 2d6
Critical: 20
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 20 ft.
Rate of Fire: S

Magazine: 6 box
Size: Small
Weight: 2 lb.
Purchase DC: 15
Restriction: Lic (+1)

AMT Backup (.45 Autoloader)
Damage: 2d6                  Magazine: 5 box
Critical: 20                     Size: Small
Damage Type: Ballistic Weight: 2 lb.
Range Increment: 20 ft. Purchase DC: 15
Rate of Fire: S Restriction: Lic (+1)

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