
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mi-19 Airborne Command Post Best Helicopter Technology

The Mi-19 heliborne command and control center provides higher reliability and better continuity, survivability and mobility of command and control. The heliborne command and control center is used for automated and nonautomated control over formations and units both directly and via ground control posts while in-flight and on the ground, and also as an automatic radio-relay station. The center elements are as follows:

- Mi-17V helicopter
- Helicopter technical equipment.
- Flight crew - 3
- Tactical HQ – 5
- Communication operators – 2.

The data transmission and communications system:

- Two R-163-10V, two R-800L2E, E805КZ, and R-888 radio stations, multiplexer, R-098 (data transmission equipment), ‘Olen’ and ‘Kardan’ encryption protection equipment, ‘Termit’ communication channel switch, and P-515 interphone facilities

- Automation equipment system based on personal computer, computer-aided workstations,
interfaces, and documentation equipment

- Antenna feeder assembly set.

The command and control center can also be equipped with the МТ-3E terminal of the data communication airborne system.

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